2023 balance sheet
1160 guided people
37 specialist groups: architects, landscape architects (offices, BDB, AK Baden-Württemberg), real estate experts, employees of a savingsbank
including a guided tour in Mannheim
6 student groups
14 generally interested in Frankfurt am Main and architecture
10 non-German groups from France, India, Japan, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Serbia and the USA

Tour selection in detail
- A first architecture + wine tour to Franconia in wonderful weather to Würzburg, Volkach, Sommerach, Iphofen and Dettelbach
- A four-day tour for a city planning office from Switzerland
- A three-day tour for a Lions Club from Allgäu
- A three-day technical excursion for the supervisory board of a large municipal housing company from Baden-Württemberg
- An accompanying programme for an event by Artimide, Durach and Ege Carpets – photo below
- Guided tour of a Japanese and an Indian specialist group to selected buildings on behalf of the company Schuco
- Several tours for teaching staff
- Several student tours
- Guiding and supporting an American family searching for their ancestors in Frankfurt

Repeat visit
- The president of the Lions Club visited us last year on a specialist excursion and has now taken his club members to Frankfurt aM
- Two architectural firms have again booked a tour with us
- A teacher repeatedly books architectural tours for her students
- Guided tours are repeatedly organised for a discussion group of architects, this year to the Richard Neutra settlement in Mörfelden-Walldorf

2022 balance sheet - Year of the corona end with lockdown in spring
770 guided people
32 specialist groups: architects, landscape architects (offices, BDB, AK Baden-Württemberg), real estate experts, employees of building authorities
One guided tour in Darmstadt and one in Mainz
4 student groups
15 generally interested in Frankfurt am Main and architecture
1 digital guide to energy saving in high-rise construction
10 non-German groups from the Netherlands, Romania, Denmark and Switzerland
Tour selection in detail
- Two tours for different groups of architects from Baden-Württemberg
- A high-rise tour in cooperation with the SKYLINE ATLAS
- A first architecture + hiking tour in wonderful weather in the Rhön with the BDB Gießen-Wetzlar - visit to the company Baumgarten in Weyhers, hike to the art station in Kleinsassen and visit to a day care center construction site in Dipperz
- A two-day tour for an urban planning consultancy from the Netherlands
- A three-day tour in Frankfurt aM for Swabian housing companies in cooperation with the STO company
- An accompanying program for an event Busch & Jäger company
- Another event in the 'afternoon architecture' series Brillux company with exploration of the Pioneer barracks site in Hanau - https://www.brillux.de/service/veranstaltungen/sendungenarchitektur/2022-in-hanau/
- Guided tour of several Romanian specialist groups through downtown Frankfurt in cooperation with the Schueco company
- Several school tours as part of the Baukultur Crash program Federal Foundation for Building Culture, which aims to familiarize students with the basic concepts of architecture and building culture.
- A bus tour for a Dutch senior group
Repeat visit
- A couple of architects from Erlangen was my guest for the 5th and 6th time - for a tour through the new Frankfurt old town and an exploration of various wine shops in Franconia with a couple of builders
- After last year's tour in Mannheim, an architect's office from Saarbrücken came to Frankfurt aM for an architectural tour

2021 Balance of the 2nd Corona year
330 guided people
14 professional groups: architects (offices, BDB, BDA groups), real estate professionals
including a guided tour in Mannheim and one in Darmstadt
7 school groups and student groups
5 generally interested in Frankfurt, urban development and architecture
1 digital tour through Frankfurt's high-rise district for a Rotary Club
7 Non-German group from the Netherlands, Switzerland and Romania
Tour selection in detail
- A first tour in cooperation with SkylineAtlas: guided tour on sustainability in high-rise construction for members of a multinational think tank in Brussels and Berlin on the topic 'Energy-efficient guidelines for the built environment'
- A West End tour for the employees of the Frankfurt branch of a well-known engineering office active worldwide
- Guided tour of several Romanian specialist groups through downtown Frankfurt in cooperation with the Schüco company
- A tour in Mannheim with a guided visit of the Marchivum and the Kepplerviertel (Schmucker & Partner) for an office from Saarbrücken
- A day excursion for Dutch real estate professionals
- An extensive Frankfurt tour for a working group of female architects from Nuremberg
- A first 'architecture + wine tour' in the Rheingau with a visit to the Steinberg domain and the Barth sparkling wine cellar for a BDB member group
- Several school tours as part of the Baukulturcrash program of the Federal Foundation of Baukultur, which aims to familiarize schoolchildren with the basic concepts of architecture and building culture.
Repeat visit
- An architectural office from Erlangen was my guest for the 4th time - after a general study visit with a customer, a study visit to housing estates, a tour of a Neutra house, there was now an office excursion to the Frankfurt high-rise district at Skyline Plaza and Neue Mainzer Straße
- From the Ecole Nationale supérieure d'Architecture de Strasbourg I was once again able to guide students on a day trip
- For the second time as part of ZEIT Reisen, organized by Poppe Reisen, I show a group of interested people all of its facets for three days.

2020 retrospection of the 'Corona' year
120 guided or supervised people
5 specialist groups: architects (offices, BDA group), urban planners
1 group of students
4 groups of people interested in Frankfurt, urban planning and architecture in general
2 non-German groups from the Netherlands and Switzerland
Tour selection in detail
- A tour for interested Frankfurters to the Frankfurt post-war churches of St Michael, St. Ignatius, Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Kirche, St. Matthias and St. Sebastian
- A bike tour for young architects from the Netherlands and Switzerland through a number of Frankfurt settlements: Riedberg, Nordweststadt, Römerstadt, Westhausen, Rebstockviertel and the Europaviertel
- A bike tour for a BDA group with a snack at the 'Familie Montez' art gallery, an inside tour of the Stylepark and the Omniturm

2019 balance sheet
- a compliment:
1000 guided or supervised people
49 specialist groups: architects (offices, BDA or BDB groups), urban planners, real estate experts, journalists
6 student and school groups
4 groups of people interested in Frankfurt, urban planning and architecture in general
8 Non-German group from Denmark, France, Great Britain, India, Malaysia, Austria, Switzerland and Thailand
Tour selection in detail
- Start of cooperation with the Schüco showroom in Frankfurt a / M - https://www.schueco.com/web2/showroom/frankfurt including guided tours for groups from India, Thailand, Malaysia and Austria
- An interesting architectural tour in Aschaffenburg on behalf of Brillux - https://www.brillux.de/service/veranstaltungen/nachmittagsarchitektur/2019-in-aschaffenburg/
Customers come back
An architecture firm booked a tour with me for the second time in three years

2018 balance sheet
980 guided or supervised persons
Specialist groups: Architects (offices, BDA or BDB groups), town planners, real estate specialists, employees of building materials companies
3 student and school groups
5 groups of people interested in Frankfurt, urban planning and architecture in general, including a Lions and a Rotary Club
8 Non-German group from Belgium, Denmark, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Austria, Sweden and Switzerland
Tour selection in detail
- 390 Swedish engineers and architects from a large Swedish architecture and engineering office, divided into 8 small groups in the morning and in the afternoon, transported with 7 buses each on tours with an interior inspection each.
- A group of tour guides from Brussels, whose critical collegial view stood my tour had to hold
- A guided tour in the rain with high-ranking construction managers from Vienna
- A building tour on behalf of Duravit
- A very impressive tour for Brillux in Heidelberg to the House of Astronomy (Manfred Bernhardt) and the Opera (Waechter Architects) - https://www.brillux.de/service/veranstaltungen/nachmittagsarchitektur/2018-in-heidelberg/
Customers come back
- The Swedish travel agency that organized the mentioned excursion to Sweden was also responsible for the excursion to Sweden last year
- For the second time I was allowed to lead a BDB district group for a whole weekend. After her first visit to Frankfurt two years ago, she went to Wiesbaden and Mainz

2017 balance sheet
1200 guided or supervised people
Specialist groups: Architects (offices, BDA or BDB groups), town planners, real estate specialists, employees of building materials companies
3 student and school groups
4 groups of people interested in Frankfurt, urban development and architecture in general, including a Lions and a Rotary Club
20 Non-German group from China (10), Denmark, France, Kuwait, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland
Tour selection in detail
- An association of Dutch blind and poor-sighted people who made use of Paul-Martin Lied's knowledge of Dutch
- A group of bank employees who wanted to find out more about the workers' apartments in Frankfurt's Gallusviertel and the Europaviertel
- 150 Swedish engineers and architects who went on a study trip to Frankfurt a / M over two weekends
- A pre-Christmas tour on the Main with the open barge Gabi with lots of mulled wine - 'Frankfurt from the Main, at night, on a cold winter evening'
- Bicycle tour through Frankfurt with the team of an architecture office
- Visit of the sewage treatment plant in Nidda with a Chinese group - we also know how to organize special tours
Customers come back
- After a tour in the previous year, a Dutch real estate specialist came back this year, now with another real estate specialist group for three days in Frankfurt. The program also included a bike tour.